Found Origami



Did You Find One And Want To Let Me Know? Great!

Please Fill Out The Short Form Below!

On the back side of every quote, I put the URL to this site, AND an individual, hand-written code. All you need to do, if you want to be a part of the project, is to email me the details of the find, along with the code for verification. The details will in turn be posted here on the site, in the 'Previous Finds' section.

So, did you find one? Want to participate in the fun? Great, I’d love to hear from you! Please email me with the details. Your email will NOT be sold or kept and will remain private, but if it worries you and you still want to join in, I suggest that you get a free, disposable email address via gmail, hotmail or a similar free email service. I'm not going to sacrifice anyone's privacy, people who DO should be smeared in honey and staked to an ant hill in the middle of summer.

Please provide the following, and feel free to include a photo or two to include on this site if you want to!  If you decide to regift the model for someone new to find, please let me know where you leave it, along with the code , so I can track it!

If the form doesn’t work with your phone or browser, please just email me at my addy below.  The boxes below will expand as needed, type away!

Left Border


I promise nothing bad will happen, OK?

Type Of Model (Crane, Bunny, etc.)

Where Did You Find It?

Details or Comments--Did the quote or model have meaning for you? Attach a picture if you want!

Velvet Sparrow

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