Feathersite: Fantastic, comprehensive site on every breed you can think of, with many pictures of adults, chicks and eggs, with links to breed clubs. Invaluable for helping ID birds. Includes ALL types of poultry, not just chickens!
URL: http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/BRKPoultryPage.html
The Coop: A great resource with tons of info and a message board.
Backyard Chickens, a huge site with tons of invaluable info, articles and forums with lots of knowledgeable helpful, fun folks:
URL: http://www.backyardchickens.com/
The Easy Chicken by Scott Shilala, another great site with valuable info and a message board.
URL: http://shilala.homestead.com/title.html
A fantastic page on Shilala's site on taming not only roosters but chickens in general is here, well worth the read. It has great insight on chicken psychology, explains the pecking order and shows how to help introduce new birds to an existing flock as well. This technique WORKS, I've used it!
URL: http://shilala.homestead.com/roosters.html
Welp Hatchery has this page on common poultry health issues, with symptoms, causes
and treatments-
URL: http://www.welphatchery.com/poultry_health.asp
Poultryhelp.com, a service of Rocking T Ranch, is another terrific source of poultry info:
URL: http://www.poultryhelp.com/home.html
Also, many hatcheries have information sections, tables and charts that are invaluable.
Another valuable site is Brown Egg Blue Egg, run by a Silkie breeder friend of mine,
it has many articles on chicken health and stories, plus something you won't find
in books-
URL: http://www.browneggblueegg.com/Article.html
Outstanding info in all of the articles at Shagbark Bantams, including an article on cell migration that can help save your bird when it has suffered a serious injury:
URL: http://www.shagbarkbantams.com/contents.htm
The nice folks at My Pet Chicken have tons of great info, including a 'Which Chicken?'
breed selector to help you determine which breed suits your needs best. They sell
all kinds of chicken supplies and chicken-
URL: http://www.mypetchicken.com/default.aspx/
'Chickens' magazine, a beautiful, quality publication which offers articles on keeping
chickens. Available online or in-
In the Jan/Feb. 2012 issue, I contributed some material for author Cherie Langlois' article, 'The Basics of Behavior':
And again for the July/August 2014 issue, Cherie Langlois’ article ‘Tricks of the Trade’:
URL: http://www.hobbyfarms.com/chickens-
Chicken Sites
Velvet Sparrow
Have a chicken-
Want to trade links to your chicken site?
Please see my ‘Contact Me’ page and drop me a line and I’ll include it here!
Chicken/Bird Health & Hatching
A list at Planned Parrothood of plants and common household chemicals, which are safe and which are toxic to birds:
URL: http://www.plannedparrothood.com/plants.html
GameRooster.com has an invaluable page on parasites, which meds kill which worms:
URL: http://www.gamerooster.com/disease/parasites.html
Mississippi State Univ. Ag Dept. article on different poultry solutions, great info:
URL: http://msucares.com/poultry/diseases/solutions.html
A good site at The Finch Niche on ‘poopology’, complete with drawings. Aimed at finches but works for chickens, too:
URL: http://www.finchniche.com/features_poopology.php
Also at The Finch Niche, a good article on Failure to Thrive:
URL: http://www.finchniche.com/features_failurethrive.php
And MSU’s page on poultry diseases, it can help you narrow down what is wrong with your bird:
URL: http://msucares.com/poultry/diseases/index.html
Surprisingly good educational page for adults on the parts of a chicken egg and chick development here at Enchanted Learning (which is a FANTASTIC site for kids!):
URL: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/birds/info/chicken/egg.shtml
GREAT page from the The Poultry Site how to identify fertile eggs vs. infertile, candling, stages of development,hatch mortality, etc.:
URL: http://www.thepoultrysite.com/articles/160/breakout-
Good info on assisting a hatching egg at Lovebirds Plus, written for lovebirds but has general info that works for chickens as well:
URL: http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/assisted.html
On the UPA (United Peafowl Association) site, great instructions for placing a chick with Spraddle Leg in a splint (also called hobbles or a chick shoe), it also works with leg injuries and curled toes:
URL: http://www.unitedpeafowlassociation.org/PeachickOrthopedics.html
How to clip wings, good info on the right way AND the wrong way, with complete illustrations at Birdmart.com:
URL: http://birdmart.com/wings.html
Chicken Rescue
Chickens need rescuing?! Yes, unfortunately. Sometimes people get Easter chicks
because they are cute, then once they grow up and the cute wears off, they get dumped.
Another source of rescue chickens are hens that are ex-
My friend Kasia runs Kasia’s Ark, a rescue in Louisiana for chickens, ducks and other birds, she is very dedicated, professionally trained and wants to see her rescue spread until it is a statewide organization.
URL: https://www.facebook.com/KasiasArk
Many countries have battery hen rescue organizations where you can adopt and give homes to, or donate to help the organization. Do a websearch for your area to find one that is local to you. This is a very worthy cause as egg farms are some of the most hellish places on Earth.
Here is an example of one hen’s story, named Hope–she was tossed in the garbage and left to die, but luckily was discovered and rescued. Fair warning, this is heartbreaking and will probably anger you, but is very important to see. ‘A Battery Hen’s Hope’:
Chicken Cams
Our annual Chickam web broadcast of our Spring hatch, also the cam is on the adult flock every Saturday during the rest of the year, weather permitting:
URL: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/chickam2008
My buddy Terry Golson’s Hen Cam (daylight hours only), where there is also a nice 'hen biographies' page so you can learn the flocks' names–Terry is also an author and wise in the ways of animals:
URL: http://www.hencam.com/index.php
Altadena Chicken Cam:
URL: http://www.ericsound.com/chickencam.html
Chickens in Germany:
URL: http://www.huehnercam.de/
Vasalini’s Chickam Cam, also known as Flying Skunk Farm:
Advice On Keeping Urban Chickens
Path To Freedom's page on keeping chickens in an urban setting (As of 1/15, they are revamping their site, keep checking back):
URL: http://urbanhomestead.org/journal/category/animals/
Ditto for Mad City Chickens:
URL: http://www.madcitychickens.com/
Yahoo Groups 'Urban Chickens' group:
URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/urbanchickens/
Chicken Video.com’s Outlaw Chicken page, another site dedicated to advice to urban chicken owners, with tips to help fight city hall:
URL: http://www.chickenvideo.com/articles.html
House Chicken Club, a new site on keeping house chickens:
Fun Stuff!
I've also got a blog on Blogger as Jack’s Henhouse if you want to read more about our family life in the Nevada Sierra mountains with chickens and other critters:
URL: http://jackshenhouse.blogspot.com/
And on Twitter as Velvet Sparrow:
TShirts, coffee cups and more with designs our fans created!
Weedcat our rooster in his alter-
URL: http://www.zazzle.ca/his_majesty_king_fluffy_pants_mug-
Yoya our gray Giant Cochin hen in HER alter ego, Che Guevera. Viva La Peep!
URL: http://www.printfection.com/vivalapeep
Thanks to celestialomnibus, there are many Chickam videos from years past on YouTube!
URL: http://www.youtube.com/user/celestialomnibus/videos
Nothing to do with chickens, but here is one of my other just-
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Jack’s Henhouse
Copyright Jack’s Henhouse 2003-